I chose to put the following polls back to back in the past two weeks. As Teddy and I near our 1 year marker I find myself observing the lack of support for mamas nursing their babies past infancy. I thought I'd check for myself to see where the numbers were falling within my nursing community. Does societies pressure to wean your baby at 6 months effect the mama's I know (or that are reading this)? Does the stigma to nursing your baby past 12 months pressure any mamas to wean early (or earlier than their baby wants)?? It seems to me, based on the numbers I got, that 1 year seems to be a popular goal and weaning period". Here are the results, judge for yourself:
Results of "How long did you plan on nursing your baby?"
25% 6 months
25% whenever
50% 1 year
Results of "How long did/have you nursed your baby?'
50% 6 months PLUS
41% 1 year PLUS
8% Until they weaned naturally
Just got this in my inbox, I like the message it sends!
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding Frustration
As you approach your child’s first birthday, you may start to hear more questions about when you plan to wean. It is well-documented that the AAP suggests nursing through at least the first year, but they additionally encourage nursing to continue for as long as mutually desired beyond that. The World Health Organization and many other international groups also suggest nursing through the second year and beyond. Weaning is an important process for mother and baby. If one or both of you aren’t ready for it, don’t allow others to pressure you. It is perfectly healthy and normal to continue to breastfeed your toddler. On the other hand, if you can’t wait for the day you are done, now may be a good time to do some research on gradual weaning, so that both you and your child can benefit from a peaceful end to the breastfeeding experience.