The formula experiment. . .
One of my pediatrician’s physician’s assistants successfully pressured me (despite my better judgment) into taking home a sample can of Similac, with the argument that if I didn’t even TRY to supplement and see if it helped then I was being stubborn to the detriment of my child. When Abbey was 6 months old, I tried to give her some of the formula – only a pinch – mixed into breastmilk and water, and then mixed with her evening solid food. Hubs thought that if we tried it and it didn’t work, then the doctor might lay off at little bit. But we soon regretted that decision. That small pinch of formula elicited such a violent reaction of rashes and vomiting that hubs and I rushed Abbey to the emergency room and she was kept overnight for observation. When the pediatrician came to see us the next day, I was clear about my disappointment with his staff pressuring me into trying formula when I knew breastfeeding was better for Abbey, and since I was a trained breastfeeding counselor, he agreed to lay off the formula suggestions if I conceded to call the pediatrician’s office with a weight update every two weeks. And so I did. We did schedule an appointment with a pediatric gastrointestinal specialist, in order to make sure that Abbey’s slenderness didn’t have anything to do with digestion as a result of her surgery at birth. And with my interests dedicated closely to making sure Abbey was eating enough, she continued to gain weight, even without the use of the “magic fattening formula” that the pediatrician wanted me to experiment with.
The final chapter of Amy's BF-ing story with post next week! Stay tuned and check out Amy's blog for more of her thoughts on nursing your LO!
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